Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day Twelve of My 12 Day Journey to Heal My Body

Day #12
Self control

I did two days on this code day as well. Just had that feeling to not go on just yet.

First day of Day 12.

Right ankle arthritic this morning
Weary again - quite sleep when it's time to wake.
Feels like a stitch underneath my right ribs front and back - quite painful
Right shim feeling a tiredness sensation
Itchy nape.
Realised today I have not had a tingling in my hands and fingers for several days!!!
My bladder feels different more in control of itself - when it is full I am able to ignore the full feeling and go back to sleep and not feel the need to get up and disturb my sleep to relieve myself. And can last till morning.
Was feeling better yesterday than today but that's okay
Back of my right foot not achey but certainly felling something in it this morning
Definite problem in my right ear again.
Right hand middle of back and up to my wrist knuckles uncomfortable
Small amount of electrical activity in my head
feelings good end of day
still happy
Really into my website
Oliver did his overnight.

Second day of Day 12
self control

Had a nightmare that sent a jolt straight to my tummy - immediately woke up and prayed unceasingly that that memory would not hurt me.
Lay in bed with such a sensation of peace and relaxation never experience before. - I didn’t want to get out in case the world hurt me again. Beautiful feeling and then in tense ouch that hurt pain in area around ball of my right foot ankle wiggly stitch in my back under my ribs and my right ear a painful sensation
pins and needles in my right hand and fingers no matter where I moved my hand
Staying in bed today
Sharp pain settle d in my heart area for about 1 minute - very sore
Ear throbbing inside and can feel my blood pulsing through it

5pm Might bit of flashing in head - better lying down.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Day Eleven of My12 Day Journey To Healing My Body

Day #11

6.30am I am feeling great today - up and about early
Determined to conquer my latest challenge to get traffic to my site with no distractions today
7.15am - burst into tears
needed to sit
very emotional
Feeling sorry for many things that are happening to people I love around me
12 noon did to much at once and got light headed

itchey spot on my right nipple areola area annoying today off and on.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day Ten of 12 Days to Healing My Body

Day #10

This day I took 2 days to complete the codes. Why you ask? Because for some reason I did not want to go on to Day #11 just yet. My mind didn't want to accept new codes - I felt like I hadn't really fulfilled the codes for Day #10 yet. So I did a second day - couldn't hurt!!

I have listed them both in this post so as the sequence of the daily postings is not compromised.

First day of Day #10

Sleepy after a really good sleep.
Right ear still playing up - worse today than ever been
Eyesight improved with more focus on detail
Small amount of flashing in head
Still not entirely steady on my feet
Not feeling good inside myself.
Weight down to 65 without water retention ill yesterday - which I deliberately didnt take thinking maybe my daily pills are too much for my body to cope with now.
Unable to face delivery of pamphlets - a contracting job I have
Sinuses still clear and no pain in my right foot or leg.
Bone still clicking when I exercise my ankle.
Little bit of itching - no actual raised lumpy skin thought
5pm - feeling good - no flashes
am excited about my learning today. Feeling very encouraged with my self healing.
My insides feel so much happier! And I did have my blood pressure pills this morning. Bit scared to go without them - just in case!!
7.15pm pain in my left leg just below my knee
feeling good, except have a headache however no flashes!!
9.45pm sleepy and brain fagged = headache subsided - still there though.

Second day of Day #10

6am - bone right toe and foot intense pain
8am - intense pain gone although toe itself feeling a massaging feeling in it
tired feeling in left hip
feeling very alert and happy
tearful - feeling very emotional
bladder full - different feeling
no flashing in my head
unsteady on my feet after my shower - is this due to being hungry?
feeling very hungry.
8.45 sensation traveled down the entire left side o fmy body
tired feeling in my left side inside
12 noon feeling gone
my vaginal discharge gone
4pm weary and a little unbalanced
bedtime - sharp pain through my heart area - again - chokkie biscuits???
no headache today or tonight for a change
feel like I could stay up all night learning my new business of internet marketing
however we both need sleep!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Day Nine of My 12 Day Journey To Heal My Body

Day #9

Sleepy so stayed in bed till 8. Woke at 5 so did Codes then.
Ear still sore (right - twinges to remind me to take things easy today)
Flashing in my head
Head not feeling right.
Am up in lounge only I feel like I should be lying down. - will stay up for a while.
Small amount of itching nape of neck not like it was though.
No sign of extra food in my weight this morning - down to 66Kgs.
Shakey in my arms
Symptoms persisted all day
Also headachey
Published my first blog 12 days

Day Eight of My 12 Day Journey to Heal My Body

Day #8

Headachey - due to the chocolate I ate before I went to bed last night?
Sinuses clear
No pain in right foot or toes still - appears to be no sign of arthritis.
Feeling sad for Ari
fairly good sleep. Slept with calming music BOM video sound track.
Wide awake after only 4-1/2 hours sleep. Daylight savings yesterday – usually disturbs my sleep pattern for the first few days.
Itch still at nape of neck when I have exzcema - not as bad today.
Right Ear still sore when I swallow.
Lunchtime - head still not clear.
5.30pm Electrical storm going on in my head - not as bad at 10pm but still there.
Can't walk or drive very steadily. Wee bit panicky
now and again a butterfly in my lower tummy

9pm ate a huge meal of chicken and stuffing and a banana really late.
No blood pressure pills today to see if that is the cause of flashing in head.
Bedtime - could feel my heart pulsing in my ears - headachey - Keith home from Auckland and drove down the hill to get him. Not very confident in doing that though.
Missionaries came at 1/4 to 8 and gave me a blessing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day Seven of My 12 Day Journey

Day #7

Woke buzzing with an idea for a book
Headachey - is this the after effects of eating chocolate yesterday?
Sinuses blocked and annoying in the morning
Totally relaxed today - all by myself in bed - enjoying the fresh air
Cleaned some of the house today - kitchen and living areas in case I got some visitors.
Listening to spiritual music - Book of Mormon Video soundtrack
At peace with myself
Missing my granddaughter and wanting to teach her what I know so far about his healing programme.
Mind very alert to editing copy of documents.
Rested today while exploring my business prospects.
By the evening my sinuses were better.
No pain in my toes or my foot
Still experiencing an itch at the back of my neck

Feeling sorry for my granddaughter
Got my 3 websites out into the world - published.
Still have to sort one out for an embedded code that won't read for some reason
Nuisance - will do after the webinar tomorrow.